Solar explained
Watch this short video to give you an overview of how a solar system produces electricity and what happens to that electricity.
The most important concept - Use it, don’t sell it!
The power company will buy your excess solar power off you for 12 cents per unit ……
but will sell it back to you at night for 30 cents
So better to save yourself 30 cents, than get 12 cents right!?
With this in mind, we size your solar system to minimise export to the grid.
Greener’s governing design principles
Bespoke solution
Every project is different and therefore requires a unique solution. The first step is for our experienced staff to conduct a site visit. From this, a system is designed to meet your specific needs.
Quality hardware
All our systems are designed to last! This is why we only use top quality hardware made by the best manufacturers in the world. Typically solar panels have 25 years warranty and inverters 10 years, but both are designed to last double that time span .
Best fit
Solar systems are modular in nature. Due this fact we slightly under-size your system, but leave scope to add extra panels in the future if you need. This ensures you don’t over pay for a system that’s too big.